You’ve finally heard back about a job you’d love to land. You’re preparing for your interview and you hope you can intelligently and confidently answer any question that comes your way. Before you step out the door, it’d be a good idea to familiarize yourself with these must-read interview tips.
Check out the company’s recent blog posts.
A company blog is a great way to tune in to what’s going on in their business, with their brand and in their industry in general. You may find reports, industry insights, trends or company-specific information about new product, campaign launches or events. If the company you’re interviewing with maintains a blog, you can reap a ton of information just by speed-reading a handful of its latest posts.
Clean up your social media.
You can bet that any company that calls you in for an interview is going to scour your social media, if they haven’t already. If you can’t completely shut down your social media accounts, then at least go through them carefully to get rid of any posts, comments or pictures that could be deemed questionable. The last thing you want is to be rejected from a dream job because you have silly photos from colleges on your Facebook page.
Try to schedule your interview for late Tuesday morning.
Assume that the company you’re interviewing with is busy and the person who is interviewing you has a packed, demanding schedule. The reason late Tuesday morning is a great interview time is because Monday and Friday are bookend days, meaning they’re extra busy, but you can still get in early enough in the week to give them time to ponder your interview before the weekend.
Setup Google Alerts for the company.
If you have a while to prepare for your interview, you want to make sure you’re as up-to-date as possible on company news. Setting up a Google Alert means you won’t have to sift through headline after headline. As soon as something new is mentioned about the company, you’ll get an email with a link to the full article. The more you know about the company, the better!
Some interview tips are obvious. You know you should look neat and professional, talk clearly, and maintain good posture. Other tips aren’t nearly as obvious, though. Hopefully, you feel prepared for your interview and will be nothing short of impressive!